Champion yourself

Enjoy this 4-Week program for Self-Love & Transformation.
New exercises every day. New you in four weeks.

Four weeks program


The 4-Week program invites you to focus 100% on you!

The intention is to help you flourish and shine from within. You will build yourself up from the inside, learning self-worth, compassion, and trust. This is your chance to meet yourself as you are and learn to live from a self-loving and non-judgmental place. 

Get ready to begin your journey, enjoy life more fully, and attract the love you deserve into your life. 


Every week you will explore one of the 4 pillars of love:  

Week 1: Forgiveness 
Week 2: Compassion  
Week 3: Gratitude  
Week 4: Trust   

Many factors work together to set the table for a healthy life, full of self-love and care. Therefore the Four Week program is filled with a broad variation of training sessions, recipes plus lots of wellness, lifestyle and nutritional tips.